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just travel.

"The world is a book and those who 
do not travel read only one page."

Whether it’s jumping on a plane to fly half way across the world, relaxing on a tropical island, or even taking a mini road trip somewhere close by, travelling always seems to take the edge off for me. Being in a different setting from my everyday life distracts me from stresses and instantly puts me in a more positive state of mind. When I come home from my travels I always feel like a new person and ready to take on new challenges.

Less than a week ago I went on a trip to Jamaica with my mom and brother and this is exactly what I needed. My vacation mainly consisted of drinking Piña Coladas and relaxing on the beach, with next to nothing to worry about. Serotonin levels are increased in the presence of the sun and moods can therefore also be increased while outdoors. Lying on the beach while getting my daily dose of vitamin D from the natural sunlight was just what the doctor ordered.

On the other end of the spectrum, one of my best friends has packed up her life and moved to Austria for the next 5 months. There she has started a new chapter to her life and is constantly soaking in new culture. Everyday for her is a new journey and that alone takes her mind off of the reality back home in Canada. Even just seeing the beautiful pictures that she posts and hearing about her exciting new adventures helps me de-stress and stay positive. This goes to show that any form of travelling can do the body and mind good. 

& if all else fails, JUST BREATHE.


  1. I absolutely love to travel. There are so many places that I want to go. I have noticed that every time I do travel, I become a different person. I relax more and worry less. I just love experiencing new things.

  2. I 100% agree with this post. There are so many benefits to traveling. It really does help you grow as a person and you learn a lot about yourself and the world around you. It takes you away from your comfortable daily life and throws you into a new places where you can see and experiences so many new and exciting things. I also love the quote you used at the beginning; it's one of the mottos I truly believe in and try to live by as much as I can. Now I really want to start planning another trip!

  3. You are so right! Sometimes a getaway is just what the doctor ordered. I love traveling as well, though a trip of this magnitude is not an option at the moment for me...but I look forward to doing so once again. For now, I'll live vicariously through you...beaches and pina coladas? yes please! Thanks for the inspiration, Lexa!

  4. I am so glad you included travel in your tips on how to relieve stress! I can honestly say the few times I have travelled (looking to increase that number) I have not had a care in the world and stress has not be apart of my vocabulary while on vacation. I am enjoying your blog Lexa, keep it up!

  5. Great post Lexa, I agree that travelling is very good for relieving stress and staying positive. While I do not travel a whole lot, I always feel better when I do. Hopefully, I can increase the amount of travelling I do moving forward because the stress is mounting and the positivity is fading.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great post, Lexa! I would love to travel, but I've never had the chance yet to really go beyond the States due to work and school.

    Lovely blog.

  7. Lexa, this post could not be more accurate. After going on a spontaneous mini vacation this weekend I feel like a weight has been lifted. Even though there are still things to be done it's like I'm approaching the task at hands with a fresh mind. Great Post!
